Wednesday 4 August 2010

2nd June 2010

Succulent, Pen, 40 Mins.

This was supposed to be a simple line drawing, but I found it difficult to give a sense of the plant using only line, so I started adding more hatcing and detail, I became truly absorbed which was nice and I like the result.

1st July 2010

Hand, Pen, 15 Minutes.

Another bash at using a contour drawing method a la Moore.

30th June 2010

Wooden Nose, Colouring Pencil, 12 Minutes.

29th June 2010

Egg, Gouache, 10 Minutes.

28th June 2010

Bananas, Graphite, 20 Minutes.

27th June 2010

Light Fitting, Pen, 11 Minutes.

Another contour drawing of a more artificial object.

26th June 2010

Flint, Pen and Ink, 20 Minutes.

Using a contour drawing method influenced by Henry Moore.

25th June 2010

Gloves, Ink, 15 Minutes.

This has got to be my least successful painting so far, I was trying to an Asian type method by dropping the ink in to create the tone, but it really hasn't worked well and lacks definition.

24th June 2010

Mug, Gouache, 35 Minutes.

23rd June 2010

Succulent, Gouache, 50 Minutes.

22nd June 2010

Strawberries, Gouache, 35 Minutes.

This is much more successful, the strawberries pop out of the image much more by being placed with a complementary green.

21st June 2010

Pepper, Gouache, 35 Minutes.

This wasn't particularly successful, the combination of the red object aginst a very close purple makes it blend together a bit and the light is far too prominent.

20th June 2010

Goblet, Gouche, 40 Minutes.

My aim this week is to explore colour mixing and using colour backgrounds.

19th June 2010

Maquette lit by Candle, Colouring Pencils, 20 Minutes.

18th June 2010

Wooden Figure, Graphite, 15 Minutes.